General Advice


Numbing product.

It is advisable to use a numbing product before any aesthetic treatment using the appropriate electrical arcing device. This is not strictly required, however it is advisable for the comfort of the client.

Do not use any injectable anaesthetic as these are not required and their use during any of the applications with the device could be classed as improper use.

The main type of numbing product that can be used depends on the local legislation. Different professionals are allowed to use different products in each country.

In the UK and most parts of Europe the preferred topical numbing product widely available is EMLA. In the UK this is usually available without prescription and it is also used as a numbing product by tattoo artists.


benzalconio cloruro al 0.1%

citrosil : PRINCIPIO ATTIVO: benzalconio cloruro g 0,175

1) it must be passed at least 7 days of taking anti-inflammatory, reliever, antipyretics, antibiotics and cortisone.

2) The treatments are carried away by disease colds, flu (for the needle shaping and hemangiomas also far from the menstrual cycle).

3) The skin should not be treated with drugs, cosmetics and depigmentation.

4) Prohibited products containing cortisone, for the negative effects on wound healing and normal repigmentation of the treated areas.

5) Apply smearing, every three minutes, after cleansing your skin well with soap solid (three soapy) ELIDOXIL or EMLA cream half an hour before the treatment.

Ten rules to follow for proper dressing.

1) Rinse the treated area with soap and water (Marseille solid) a cleaner or cleansing.

2) Blot dry gently without rubbing, with a piece of cotton cloth or towel (not terry cloth, not paper).

3) disinfected at least three times a day with benzalkonium (Citrosil green or Lysoform to the skin of the body and Imidazyl® eye drops for eyelids by applying it on the skin with the fingertip).

4) Protect with liquid foundation (Bio Nike fluid) sticking one suitable thickness (one millimeter) only on the affected area, avoiding to blend it with your fingers.

5) There must be covered with patches, for the possibility of maceration, premature separation of the crust with possible damage from scarring wrong, sensitivities, infections, you should never apply sunscreen, just above the foundation.

6) There should be applied drugs or cosmetics. (Forbidden antibiotic creams, cortisone and soothing or protective including homeopathic) – Forbidden any cream !!!

7) The crust must not be removed; Will fall by itself after 7-20 days or you will risk depressions and irregularities of the skin.

8) The treated area must be protected immediately after treatment by ultraviolet radiation in the home and outdoors. (Sun, Computer monitor, neon lamps and fluorescent detectors, counterfeit money, lamps Wood disco, light sources, LED Catalysts for nail UVB, UVB Catalysts for dentistry)

9) The fluid foundation must be applied both when it is present coal by sublimation, improperly called “crust” is later, to prevent the formation of discolouring (dark skin patches or areas of different color from that of the surrounding skin.), using only the tips in section 4. (As long as the risk remains pink stain!)

10) The use of the foundation, ever sun protection, should be continued until the pink color that persists in susceptible individuals, it may only be temporary. – The foundation that should remain on the part after it has dried, it should never be removed; It can be integrated with another application of the same fluid foundation


PREPARATION: In a coffee cup you put a teaspoon of powdered sugar, 4 drops left imidazil and a few drops of ‘water.

Stir long to obtain a compound similar to honey eliminating any water from the supernatant.

Apply all over the eyelids (upper and lower) leaving work for at least two hours.

The party must always be covered with liquid foundation (even when we went to check-up), never use sunscreen or patches !!!
N.B. Never apply creams of any type or products based cortisone – The part must be protected with the foundation for all the time in which it remains pink.
N.B. The part must be protected with the fluid foundation, every time you expose to the sun or ultraviolet sources referred to in paragraph 8.

WARNING! Medicare improperly applying patches or creams, prepares to keloids and abnormal reactions, in the case of:
Correction of wrinkles, lips, scars, skin depressions, ipovolumetrie face and body – eyelid surgery, face lifts and neck and all types of resurfacing – may develop if you medical improperly, retracting scars, skin spots, appearance of capillaries and / or areas Rosaceae, keloids, allergic reactions caused by the disinfectant used, reactions like anaphylactic shock, fainting from emotional autosuggestion or vagal hypertonia.
In case of removal of telangiectasias and angiomas: depressions may hesitate and pigmentation, blood vessels may, in some cases, recur in the same spot where they stood.
Surgical care acne scarring and damage: may hesitate discolorations important and retractions and skin depressions.

There have been instances of adverse reactions due to improper use (always recommended) disinfectant containing iodine (those that stain of brown skin), and others with alcohol and acetone.

Avoid any type of cover up make up

During the recovery period while the scabbing is still to be formed there is a general temptation of using cover up make up, or any make up to resume the normal day to day activities and avoid people to notice you have had any treatment at al straight away.

One of the main problem of make up is the fact that make up products are not meant to be sterile. Therefore the use of non sterile products on an area that is still recovering from an aesthetic procedure will increase the likelihood of infections which may eventually  result in scarring.
