Crows feet attenuation. February 5, 2019February 5, 2019 maan 0 Comments 8:13 am Categories: Welcome to your Crow`s feet attenuation quiz. Thank you for taking time for the online tests. This will test your knowledge. You can download the certificates at the end of the test. Type in name and email respectively. Name Email The preferred technique used for crow's feet attenuation is: Spot mode. Especially at when I attempt this type of treatment for the first time. Spray mode. If my qualifications permit it I can use my own creativity. None When advertising for crow's feet attenuation you can say: Plasma is the substitute for surgery. After all electrical arcing was first discovered in 2008. By using plasma, you will be able to remove the crow's feet in one treatment only. By using plasma you will be able to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the periorbital area. None When using voltaic arcing for crows feet attenuation for the first time you should: use the spot mode at low intensity treatment. Apply the spots between the wrinkles and never inside the fold of the wrinkles. in your qualification permit it, use the spray mode. None What is the minimum wait period between crow's feet attenuation treatments? 7 days. 4 weeks. Or longer if the area is tender or over sensitive. 10 weeks. None What is the downtime after crow's feet attenuation? If I use this new patented technology only reserved to surgeons and I am a Doctor, the client will see the results immediately and there will be no scabbing, swelling or redness two hours after the treatment. The client will feel comfortable to attend any important events without using any make-up. The perceived down time is the region of 7 days. During this period the customer may not look at its best. None Why is the use of any cover-up make-up (including mineral-based products) forbidden during the recovery period after skin tightening applied to the periorbital area, and skin tightening in general? Because the use of make-up could contribute to the contraction of infections. This is also due to the fact that make-up products are unlikely to be kept in sterile conditions. The use of make-up during the recovery period has been shown to increase the risks of infections, delayed scabbing and long lasting hyper and hypo pigmentation. After all you want to make the customer believe this is a very complicated procedure. After all remember that electrical arcing was invented only two years ago and we do not really know but about this new physical phenomenon. None The use of numbing products is advisable for this type of treatment for: comfort of the client only. You must not use any injectable anaesthetics. it is strictly required for any type of surgery therefore anesthetics must be used. None After crow's feet attenuation:(MULTIPLE ANSWERS) if scabs form they usually appear three to four days after the treatment. They have to fall off on their own. If scabs form the client has to be referred to accident and emergencies immediately. if the aftercare is not followed properly infections and other undesirable effects could occur. None Please note that upon submission, you are automatically subscribed to Areton Newsletter. Time's up Related Post Blog 2Blog 2 March 21, 2024March 21, 2024 admin 0 Comments Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod. tg Blog 3Blog 3 March 21, 2024March 21, 2024 admin 0 Comments Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod. tg Blog 1Blog 1 March 21, 2024March 21, 2024 admin 0 Comments Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod. tg
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