Seborrheic Keratosis Removal February 5, 2019February 5, 2019 maan 0 Comments 8:13 am Categories: Welcome to your Seborrheic Keratosis Removal quiz. Thank you for taking time for the online tests. This will test your knowledge. You can download the certificates at the end of the test. Type in your name and email respectively. Name Email Seborrheic keratosis: ( MULTIPLE ANSWER) Are cancerous conditions that can lead to death. Are benign growth that are removed for aesthetic reasons. They are completely harmless. Almost everybody develops Seborrheic Keratosis at a certain point in life. For this reason they are sometimes referred as senile warts. Are sometimes referred to as seborrheic warts. This is because they look like warts but they are not cause by the Human Papilloma Virus. The removal treatment for seborrheic warts is the same as the one used for normal warts. Only electrical arcing can be used to remove seborrheic warts in safety.By a European decreet passed in 2014, this procedure can only be safely carried out by doctors. is a new highly contagious dangerous disease which claimed millions of lives worldwide. This is demonstrated by the fact that everyone who had a seborrheic keratosis died at a certain point. Areton Ltd won the Nobel Price for medicine by inventing and patenting the electrical arc to cure this dangerous disease. Select the correct answer/s. By using Electrical arcing: Seborrheic Keratosis are usually removed almost immediately because they are very superficial. Safe Seborrheic Keratosis removal requires a team of specialists to carry out this complicated procedure safely. After all this is a severe medical condition and it is carried out for the safety of the patient. It is demonstrated that if they are not all removed immediately, seborrheic keratosis lead to death when they grow inside the human body. Also during the complicated removal procedure, using this new world patented technology, the users have to be aware of the risks of contracting this type of disease from the patient. After removal the patient must be quarantined for 2 weeks to avoid the risks to public health. Seborrheic Warts are highly contagious! A minor slight superficial ablation is usually sufficient to detach it from the skin and remove it. Removing seborrheic keratosis can lead to imprisonment without trial if you are a beautician. A special team called "unsafe illegal keratosis removal SQUAD" from the MHRA will enter your premises without a warrant seize all your instruments and possessions while holding fire arms. Seborrheic Warts are removed while all those present wear an oxygen mask to avoiding spreading of the disease. Recently is was reported on the news that a beautician lost her life due to this deadly disease she contracted while removing them without wearing an oxygen mask. You are pioneering a new type of complex patented type of surgery. To remove seborrheic keratosis by using voltaic arcing a spray motion on the benign lesion is usually suffices to detach the benign lesion from the skin. So by rubbing it off with a cotton pad impregnated with non-flammable antiseptic the seborrheic keratosis comes away very easily. True. In case the seborrheic keratosis does not come away after a spaying motion, spray the electrical arc on the lesion again and try to rub the lesion off again. False. This type of lesion is rooted very deeply into the skin and it requires the skills of a surgeon to remove it safely using plasma. None If you use voltaic arcing or plasma to remove seborrheic keratosis: You can promise the client no scars will be left and there is no need for any after-care. After all plasma is a new scientific discovery which has been patented the world over. The aftercare is always very important, regardless of the method used to remove the seborrheic keratosis. The client has to follow the after care instructions. It is always a good idea to also send the after-care instructions over an email. None If a keratosis is actinic or you suspect it may be actinic you should: (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) Remove it immediately. Destroing the actinic keratosis by using plasma is a good idea. After all this is a cutting edge technology that can help us achieve extraordinary results. Only a small selected group of people really understand how it works. You must not remove or interfere with the lesion. Refer the client to a dermatologist who will likely perform a biopsy and send the lab to the lab for a hystologic examination. Although the name is similar actinic keratosis are different in nature to seborrheic keratosis. In 10% of the cases actinic keraratosis can develop into a malignant condition. For this reason you must refer the client to a dermatologist. 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