Skin Tightening

Welcome to your Skin Tightening quiz. Thank you for taking time for the online tests. This will test your knowledge. You can download the certificates at the end of the test.

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You must perform a patch test before you start any full procedure for skin tightening. The results of skin tightening using the "spot mode" are dependant on:

The first time you use the device it is advisable to use the lowest intensity treatment by:

As they gain experience, most users increase the intensity of the treatment by:

The minimum suggested wait period between treatments is:

Over time some experienced users:

Skin tightening using electrical arcing:

Before performing a full skin tightening procedure:

In Skin tightening when using the spot mode to improve the appearance of fine lines:

When advertising for localized skin tightening you can:

The use of numbing products for this type of treatments are:

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