[:en]The protocols for the aesthetic treatments possible with AC electrical arc generating devices are several and they are not limited to the ones stated in our website. By all means none of the method presented should be considered as a substitute for any approved training manual or user manual of any equipment.
It should be borne in mind that any AC or DC arc generator or equivalent instrument has their own instruction manuals which are required to be followed. None of the information contained in this website ia a substitute os any instruction manual. If any device is used recklessly or not properly it can cause injury. Additionally the cosmetic end results are very dependent on the healing/recovery process, aftercare and whether an infection has occurred during healing.
As a further warning a small percentage of people are prone to developing Keloids, therefore, in those individuals even a minor treatment could trigger the development of these unsightly scars. For this reason we strongly advise to perform a patch test on a small area of the face before proceeding to the full aesthetic treatments.
It is advisable to perform the patch test below the chin so that in the unlikely case of a predisposition to Keloids the scar will remain hardly visible.
The protocols are available at present and have repeatable results are for:
- Skin tightening in general
- Tattoo Removal
- Red Veins Removal
- Smoker Lines Removal or Reduction
- Benign Mole Removal
- Benign Skin lesion removal in general